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European University of Tirana


The European University of Tirana offered a VCL course as part of its MA level Advanced Financial Analyses and Reporting Course in the winter semester of 2021. The course focuses on analyzing financial statements of a company from a specific sector, using indicators like profitability, liquidity, asset utilization, and solvency in a report. The report covers various sections, including an introduction to the company, financial analyses, market and information analyses, and investment decisions. Assessment for the course includes active participation in seminars, course assignments, and a final exam. The VCL module was adapted for the course assignment part, which accounts for 20% of the total grade. 50 out of 127 students enrolled in the course participated voluntarily in the VCL Course.


IT tools and reports were the main source of monitoring student activities, where Surveys were used to collect student expectations before and feedback after the module, the following results were obtained:

  • Majority of the students is full-time employed and so the online learning is time-saving and easier to adapt to their schedules,
  • Almost none of them had prior experience with VCL, so Albanian-language resources would be beneficial,
  • Half of the students answered that this way of learning strengthens the relationship with teachers. Students were familiar with the platform and online communication due to the pandemic but nearly 80% found group work more transparent and efficient through VCL.
  • About 50% of the students found this an interesting way to have an international experience “at home”, meanwhile 45% answered that this would not be enough to enjoy the full experience of an international mobility.


VCL courses are more effective in group learning and teamwork than the traditional way of teaching and learning and should therefore be integrated into more courses. Virtual collaborative learning combines interactive learning and technology-driven flexibility but requires deliberate attention to participant interaction. VCL settings require detailed and systematic preparation of the learning experience, as well as an explicit definition of the learning objectives. VCL requires the active role of learners and strong guidance of students.