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best_practice:international_vcl:ukraine_digital:b1 [2023/07/17 13:27]
hilse created
best_practice:international_vcl:ukraine_digital:b1 [2023/07/17 13:30] (current)
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-===== A 2.1- General Terms =====+===== B 1.1- Comparison of German and Ukrainian HE Systems =====
-Especially at the beginning of a collaboration of international and interdisciplinary teamsit is highly recommended that you establish a shared ontology among your team. Doing so will ensure a common understanding of the basic terminology and phrases used in the upcoming weeksInitiate a group discussion on these key terms to establish common understanding of the fundamental vocabulary you will employ in the upcoming weeks. Provide concisely written explanations for each termciting scientific sources to reinforce your reasons. To maintain proper academic rigoradhere to the scientific guidelines outlined in the kickoff presentation regarding citation and overall scientific writing style.+Higher education systems vary significantly from one country to anotherencompassing various aspects such as academic programs and quality assuranceComparing these systems can be an effective way to promote better understanding and identify their strengthsweaknesses, and potential areas for improvementTherefore,
-  * TermsDigitalization Bologna Standards DigCompEdu Hybrid & Digital Education COIL | Inclusive Education | E-Tutors (incltheir tasks) | Competences and Skills | Self-paced Learning | Outcome–oriented Learning+  * Research on the structure of the German and Ukrainian HE systems. Focus primarily on the following aspectsQualifications, Certificates level structures of HEIs quality assurance the autonomy of universities accreditation procedures. 
 +  * Compare the budgets that are spent on HE in Ukraine and Germany. Consider information about governmental expenses, private investments, and support from enterprises
-**Workload**: pages+**Workload**: pages
 **Format**: PDF **Format**: PDF
-===== A 2.2- Concept Map =====+===== B 1.2- SWOT Analysis of the Ukrainian HE System =====
-Create concept map of the terms that were introduced in Task A2.1. Additionallyindicate how the terms relate to digitalization in HEProvide brief explanations of the connections between the terms (1-2 sentences). Use the Miro Board to solve this task and submit a screenshot or post the link in your submission documents.+The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis is widely used tool to identify areas for improvement and optimization, as well as for the prediction of potential changes in a subject’s environmentand to adapt strategies accordinglyWhile it is often used in an organizational context, it can also used to analyze projects or even entire systems, such as the HE system of a country.
-**Workload**: 1 Concept Map+  Prepare such a SWOT analysis of the Ukrainian HE system and support it with a graphic. 
 +  Based on your results, identify the needs of the Ukrainian HE system and address them in your strategy proposal for its restructuring.
-**Format**: Miro+**Workload**: 4 pages
-===== Task A 2.3 - Marshall Plan =====+**Format**: PDF
-In preparation for the upcoming Workshop research on the initial Marshall Plan, launched in 1947 to promote the reconstruction of European national economies that World War II had destroyed. Focus especially on the following aspects: +=====   =====
- +
-  * Historical context and background +
-  * Goals and objectives +
-  * Budget allocation +
-  * Stages of implementation +
-  * Sources of investment +
-  * Results of the implementation +
-  * Further points you consider to be important +
- +
-**Workload**: 2 pages +
- +
-**Format**: PDF+